Great Day
I garden once per week at a community garden in Montreal, through the Action Communiterre network. We had the annual Harvest Party today, which involved a bike tour of the 5 gardens in the NDG areas, sweet refreshments at the gardens such as gazpacho (my contribution, yum), fresh cucumbers with dill and garlic, and minted iced tea with bergamot (what a great flavour for tea--I have to plant some). The tour ended with the most amazing potluck outside, under a tent, and near the community network's largest garden. Lots of nice people in attendance, great music, better food! And to top it off, I won two tickets to the BioDome. Always a good time!
In addition to swimming several times this week, the biking has contributed to an overall sense of goodness in my body. Its so good to exercise. I wish I'd known this secret years ago--something I think I'll be trying to fit into my daily schedule from now on. Even a little walk goes a long way. And walking, something else I've been doing a lot of. It sure does clear the head!
Closing the chapter on George has been very difficult for me, and I'm still not through it--tears last night and again this morning--and although I want to be with him still, and am sure he misses me a lot (we were most certainly in love), having new beautiful experiences in my life helps so much. Positivity. Goes a long long way.
Just rained. What fresh gorgeous air coming in through my patio door. And now, I shall write. And eat more cucumbers.
Who doesn't love beautiful things.