Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Know (I think)

I know that I will always savour the sweet-tart taste of a crisp autumn apple
I'll always dance alone in my kitchen for pleasure
I will never be completely by myself, which both terrifies me and reassures me
I will always be completely by myself, which both terrifies me and reassures me
I may never have exactly what I think I want, which may be exactly what I need
I am the most courageous person I know. I am the weakest.
I am entirely insecure about a million little things but am ferocious about others. I have the power to create and destroy.
My soul opens itself and out pours poetry. Not the other way around.
I am limbs and feet pointed, poised. Heart and eyes and tea. (that doesn't quite fit, but I like tea a lot)
I am thrilled and terrified and exhausted and exhilerated.
I will always love the air that circulates in the midst of my vision, touching upon all things bronzed over from the pace of things forced upon us.


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