Or not. So I took this "what modern american poet are you?" 8 question quiz. You mean I can resolve stuff within the span of 8 questions? Who knew.
Stole this quiz link from Amanda Earl's blog thing.
This is what the brilliant creators of the bang-on internet quiz had to say about me. Bet it's cuz I mentioned porn. You always get a better response when you mention porn. But don't take my word for it...

You are Frank O'Hara. You are a genius, but your life just keeps getting in the way. Even eating lunch gets in the way. You are totally obsessed by bridges and water.
(It's true. I like the toasted sandwiches. And deep water is tough to be suspended over.)
Which Famous Modern American Poet Are You?
Stole this quiz link from Amanda Earl's blog thing.
This is what the brilliant creators of the bang-on internet quiz had to say about me. Bet it's cuz I mentioned porn. You always get a better response when you mention porn. But don't take my word for it...

You are Frank O'Hara. You are a genius, but your life just keeps getting in the way. Even eating lunch gets in the way. You are totally obsessed by bridges and water.
(It's true. I like the toasted sandwiches. And deep water is tough to be suspended over.)
Which Famous Modern American Poet Are You?
frank o'hara of course.
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